Monday, September 6, 2010

The Love Trilogy: My Love

Guy Talk

My Friend. My Healer. God has revealed Himself to me in these two ways. These two entities have provided me with the miracle of hope and the promise of His relationship and His hand on my life. This month we conclude the Love Trilogy. If this is your first time joining us, I encourage you to skip back a few months to the beginning of this series. This month I pray that God will shower you with love, His love. I pray the love that He showers on you everyday will be real, but with a new impact that will reach the depths of your heart and meet you on the road at which you stand.

We all search for love. We all desire to feel needed, wanted, admired, and loved. The culture puts unnecessary pressure on us to have boyfriends and this longing can often lead to heartbreak, depression, and confusion. Is love worth the trouble?

My search for love has led to a lot of heartbreak. Just like millions of women out there, I have searched for a “good man,” only to be disappointed or crushed. After some unhealthy relationships, I eventually found myself losing hope and even disregarding the dream of finding real love. Even in my relationships with men that have been decent, I have known deep in my core that they weren’t meant to be. This only left me depressed.
Finally I did it. I crossed love off of my list. I decided that focusing on my career and life goals was more important than finding the love of my life. And I was content…well, maybe content isn’t the right word….I was complacent. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about not having the love of my life, but deciding not to try any more was better than being disappointed. I decided that love wasn’t worth the trouble.

One Sunday, within this last year, I went to church with my family. A young preacher was ministering. He spoke of God’s love for us; not an unfamiliar message in the church and, quite frankly, one that I had heard before. What was different about this message was the young preacher’s expression as he spoke.
“He passionately loves us…” his voice trailed off and stillness filled the room. Tears filled his eyes and he gently smiled, “He…,” his voice cracked and he paused to regain himself,” He is passionately in love with you.”

I felt the wind get knocked out of me. He is passionately in love with me. The God of the universe, My Healer, My Friend….. is passionately in love with me. Even after all of my stumbling and shortcomings, He is in love with me. And not just in love…passionately in love. I had to let this sink in and marinate for a bit. It was too overwhelming for me.

The David Crowder Band sings a song called “How He Loves.” The lyrics are so incredibly powerful. Take a moment to meditate on the depth of each line:

“How He Loves”
By the David Crowder Band
He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all.

I am still comprehending the depth of His love for me. My Jesus would do anything for me. How He loves me! God is currently teaching me every day that He is the love of my life. He should have always been the love of my life. He’ll place that special someone in my path eventually, but I don’t have to search for someone to love me, because He is already here. He is passionately, overwhelmingly in love with me and in love with you!

The Love Trilogy that God inspired and put on my heart has been an incredible experience for me. Writing it has brought me closer to my God. I am so thankful for Abba. Although your experiences are probably quite different from my own, I hope that some of my feelings resounded with you. I encourage you to share your experiences of what God is teaching you and who God is to you with others. We would be so honored if you would share them with us via an email (address provided below).

I would like to pray over you:
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for each of Your daughters reading this. I thank You that they have a desire to learn more of You and build their relationships with You. I know that You have Your hand on their lives and that You are guiding their footsteps in everything they do. I pray that You will take their brokenness, their questions, and their cares upon You. Whisper Your blessings in their ears. Heal broken hearts. Hold their hands. May each day bring them closer and closer to Your love and friendship. I thank You for revealing Yourself to them. I am so thankful for each of my sisters in You! Praise God! Amen~

*Do you have a relationship question for JOY? We're here to offer sound, Christian advice and our prayers. If you have a question or a prayer request, email JOY at:

1 comment:

MissEmy said...

Thanks for posting that. It's easy to think of God as being so far away from us. And yet he's always right there and he loves us more than we could even comprehend.